​Paper 2 Question 5
Focus: Writing Your Views Marks: 40 Time: 45 mins
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The marks are divided into two main skills: Content & Organisation and Technical Accuracy.
Content & Organisation (24 marks) includes:
Overall communication
Tone and register
Vocabulary and language techniques
Technical Accuracy (16 marks) includes:
Accuracy of spelling
Variety of punctuation
Accuracy of grammar
Variety of sentences
The examiner will read your answer THREE times.
​First they'll decide how successful your overall communication is and decide on a level (L1-L4).​
Then they'll read again (looking at tone, language, structure and ideas) and decide on a final mark for Content & Organisation.
Then they'll read it a final time and award a mark for Technical Accuracy. The two marks are added together.
If you write in the wrong format (e.g. an article instead of a letter) you may lose a mark or two for tone and register but otherwise it will be marked in the same way.
How to succeed
Make a brief plan.
Pick out the purpose, audience and format from the question.
Have clear, linked ideas.
Use a variety of language, punctuation and sentence types.
Common mistakes
Not planning.
Writing for the wrong purpose/audience or in the wrong format.
Having muddled, unclear ideas.
Using simple, boring language and punctuation.
Further Practice
Go to the Paper 2 practice papers and try some Q5s.
Read some marked answers to see what a Level 3 answer is like.
Check out the SPaG website to improve your Technical Accuracy marks.