Paper 1 Question 1
Focus: List four things Marks: 4 Time: 4 mins
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Q1 should be an easy way for you to get 4 marks, but you still need to take care not to make careless mistakes.
- Read the question carefully. List four things about....what?
- Check the line numbers. You can't take information from outside those lines, or from the box at the top.
- Choose simple, clear explicit information that links to the question.
- Write it in a short sentence. You might need to re-word the information to make it clear.
Top tip! Start each answer with the subject of the question. For example:
-List four things about the boy. The boy / He....
-List four things about the bird. The bird/ It...
-List four things about the weather. The weather / It...
How are you marked?
There is one mark for each piece of correct information.
- If you write more than one correct piece of information on the same line, you get marks for each one. E.g. The boy is tall, dark and handsome. = 3 marks.
- If you copy out the whole text from the given line numbers, you get no marks.
How to succeed
Find clear, explicit information.
Write in short sentences.
Keep within the line numbers.
Common mistakes
Using inferred, implicit information.
Writing one word answers.
Taking information from outside the line numbers.