Further Practice
Paper 1 Question 5
Focus: Description / Narrative Marks: 40 Time: 45 mins
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How are you marked?
The marks are divided into two main skills: Content & Organisation and Technical Accuracy.
Content & Organisation (24 marks) includes:
Overall communication
Tone and register
Vocabulary and language techniques
Technical Accuracy (16 marks) includes:
Accuracy of spelling
Variety of punctuation
Accuracy of grammar
Variety of sentences
The examiner will read your answer THREE times.
​First they'll decide how successful your overall communication is and decide on a level (L1-L4).​
Then they'll read again (looking at tone, language, structure and ideas) and decide on a final mark for Content & Organisation.
Then they'll read it a final time and award a mark for Technical Accuracy. The two marks are added together.
If you confuse the story and description (e.g. using the picture in the wrong task or writing a story about a given topic instead of a description etc.) it won't usually affect your marks. The examiner will focus on the quality of your writing.
Common mistakes
Not planning.
Having no structure to your writing.
Telling the reader what's happening rather than showing them through description.
Using simple, boring language and punctuation.
How to succeed
Plan the beginning, middle and end.
Keep it simple!
Focus on emotions (anger, fear, excitement etc.)
Use a variety of language devices, punctuation and sentence types.
Read some marked answers to see what makes a good level 3 description/narrative.
Go to the Paper 1 practice papers and write some answers to Q5.